Pathways to Home: Transforming Lives,

One Family at a Time

At For My Bonus Child, Inc., we believe that true transformation doesn’t come from temporary fixes. It comes from a deep, sustained commitment to empowering families, helping them break free from the cycles of poverty and homelessness.

Through our Shelter of Hope: Pathways to Home initiative, we don’t aim to help as many families as possible; we aim to help each family as comprehensively as possible, setting them on a course toward stability, independence, and dignity.

Nichelle's Journey

Help a Resilient Mother Keep Her Family Safe

Nichelle, a courageous single mother, made a bold decision to seek a better future for her three children, including one with autism. She moved to Miami in pursuit of a promising job offer, but sadly, it did not materialize, putting her family in a vulnerable position.

Even with her tireless attempts to find steady housing and work, Nichelle has depleted all her resources and is now confronted with the frightening possibility of homelessness. Her situation strikes a chord with our founder, who went through a similar challenge while raising a child with disabilities.

At For My Bonus Child, Inc., we are dedicated to creating a path to stability for Nichelle and her children. Our aim is to collect $5,000 to fund an AirBnB through December and provide essential groceries and supplies, offering Nichelle the security she needs to find employment and regain her footing.

Your tax-deductible donation will make an immediate and tangible impact on Nichelle's life.

Here's how your contribution can help:

  • $50 can provide a week's worth of groceries for the family
  • $100 can cover essential supplies like clothing and school materials
  • $500 can fund a month of safe housing in an AirBnB
  • $1,000 can provide comprehensive support, including housing, food, and supplies, for a month

Each donation, regardless of its amount, helps Nichelle and her children move closer to stability and hope. Nichelle's path reflects her resilience and determination despite challenges. With your assistance, we can guarantee she has the resources and opportunities necessary to create a better future for herself and her children.

We invite you to help us create a pathway to stability for Nichelle and her family. Contribute today to transform their journey from uncertainty to one filled with hope and opportunities.

Thank you for your compassion and generosity.


A Journey from Crisis to Stability

Meet Ariana, a precocious youngster from Miami Beach North, whose life story dramatically turned from the shadows of homelessness to the light of stability. Her family's life was a series of fleeting stays at various motels. This situation often forced Ariana to miss school due to the lack of funds for accommodation or transportation. However, thanks to the generosity of compassionate donors like yourself, a lifeline was thrown to Ariana's family. They were gifted a two-month-long stay in an extended-stay facility. During that time, Ariana's mother collaborated with our dedicated volunteer counselors to find a steady job and secure a permanent home. Now, Ariana excels academically, and her family walks a hopeful path toward a promising future. Your contributions ignite such life-changing stories. What we do works, but we can't do it without you.

Girl of five with bright eyes and hopeful smile clasping her hands

Our Three-Tiered Approach

Our program is uniquely designed to ensure long-term success through a comprehensive, three-tiered approach:

1. Emergency Housing Grants:
Families receive safe, temporary housing in hotels or extended stays for up to a year. This crucial time allows them to heal, rebuild, and lay the foundation for a stable future. We focus on more than just survival—we set the stage for real transformation.

2. The Soft Launch:
As families stabilize, they transition to a phase where they assume 50% of their housing costs. This stage is about empowerment—teaching financial responsibility, establishing sustainable budgets, and guiding families toward permanent housing solutions.

3. Aftercare Support:
Even after families exit our housing, we continue to support them for up to a year, ensuring they maintain their hard-earned stability. Our ongoing check-ins ensure that budgets are kept, employment remains steady, and any new challenges are swiftly addressed.

Quick statistics


people in families with children experienced homelessness in the United States


Studies have shown that families who receive stable housing combined with supportive services are 60% more likely to remain housed after two years compared to those who do not receive such comprehensive support


Families who receive financial literacy training are 85% more likely to achieve long-term financial stability and independence, reducing their likelihood of returning to homelessness

What sets us apart?

Unlike many programs that aim to serve the maximum number of people in the shortest amount of time, we focus on quality over quantity. We ensure that every family we help is empowered to break the cycle of poverty and create a better future for themselves and their children. This personalized, comprehensive approach is what makes our program truly transformative.

Happy family preparing food in kitchen

How You Can Help

This crisis of homelessness won’t solve itself. We need your help to continue providing the comprehensive support that families like Ariana’s rely on to build a better future.

Volunteers taking out food from a donation box in their office
Portrait of kids giving a kiss to their daddy
Portrait of a smiling young female volunteer separating clothes

Every donation, no matter the size, makes a difference.

Here’s how your contributions can help:

$25 provides a day of meals for a family in our emergency housing program.
$50 provides essential hygiene kits for a family transitioning to stable housing.
$100 provides a month of personalized career counseling, helping individuals discover their strengths and pursue meaningful, long-term employment opportunities.
$350 provides a week of safe, temporary housing for a family in need.
$500 funds financial literacy workshops and budgeting tools for a family in the Soft Launch phase.
$1,000 covers two months of comprehensive case management services, guiding families toward self-sufficiency.
$2,500 supports a family during the critical Soft Launch phase, helping them build confidence and stability.
$5,000 ensures a full year of aftercare support for a family exiting the program.
$15,000 provides a year of emergency housing for a family in crisis, offering the time and stability needed to transition to independent living.
$25,000 sponsors a family’s entire journey through our program, from emergency housing to permanent stability.

Donate now

Recommended amount: $15.00

Your donation of just $15.00 can make a significant impact in the lives of families facing homelessness. By contributing today, you help provide essential resources like meals, hygiene kits, and temporary shelter, giving families the stability they need to rebuild their lives. Every dollar counts in our mission to empower families to move from crisis to independence. Together, we can offer them hope and a path to a brighter future.


Become An Advocate

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Help us raise awareness by sharing our mission with your network. Advocate for policies that support comprehensive, long-term solutions to homelessness.

Your support is not just a handout—it's a hand up, helping families move from crisis to stability and beyond. Join us in making a lasting impact.

Together, we can offer pathways to a brighter future.